okays ppl im bac frm jap. u ppl misses me right? lols. kays i noe my blog's decomposing. haas. will update soon. shall complete my obs post first. (:
you are missed, at 11:36 AM
heyys peeps! im bac from obs! haas. im now a certified outward bounder. lols. craps lahhs. nbm. im like contracted with some diseases. got lotsa bites. itchy!! bud had lotsa fun lahhs. haas. i miss boseng! OBS ROCKS!! ((:
i shall update next time. tired. sorry.
you are missed, at 3:48 PM
homed the whole day, online-ed
someone talked to me, so chatted and..
my tears dropped.
i dunno how to stop it.
i dunno why, why, WHY?
oh god, im dead soon.
i noe there's no use saying sorry once again.
it's my fault, bud.. dats not the ending dat i wann to see.
i noe u'll nbr forgive me, it's alright.
it's me who lied to u, who talked to u, who destroyed the trust u've given me,
so pls..
dunn blame them.
i dunno wad shld i do, wad cann i do, wad mus i do.
i dunno wad to say t o u.
i feel so guilty while talking to u, im like..
a criminal dat will nbr be freed free,
dat cann nbr be forgived.
if dats wad i deserved, i'll accept.
for bcos it's u, a fren i treasured.
really, so sorry..
you are missed, at 6:41 AM
haiis, im so bored.. looks like so many ppl are all rotting online.. hmms, my bag is till left empty. still haven pack a single thing in lahhs.. seems dat im lack of quite alot of stuffs, i'll try to dig it out.. hahas. im off to obs tml morning.. ppl, dunn miss me ya? lols.
anw, today's daddy'd day, so..
you are missed, at 6:11 PM
okayys, had band today.. met up with them earlier for breakfast at 0745.. tired.. had to reach sch at 0820, dats why.. band, change of song.. this piece was nice, bud i still prefer the previous one. anw, any songg will do lahhs, as longg as it's suitable for us and one that we cann manage that will be alright.. so, do our best for every piece that's choosen okayys. den the results for betting is out. we won! arthur's rejected. so, they two guys, 100round huhs! hahahs. went koufu again, so sians, like everyday go there rot. hahas. ate den played ice and water.. wahhs, everyday runn like dat we will be strong man! rested, den played heart-attack. so many ppl.. diff to play and so squeezy canns. haas. and as usual, sat dwn and chatted lohhs. and home-ed. thanks, rt for the ride home. bud, so bad lahhs, dunn wann tell me wad the hell happened. !!! haas.
you are missed, at 3:59 PM
last dnt lesson today.. endure endure!! finally ended. (: was so happy. den pgd went out, excluding me lahhs. dey nbr tell me, so.. suan le.. wanted to go home, bud was like so damn bored. so went up with france to look for them. they sectional-ing ma.. chatted with mr tan for quite longg before we really leave the sch.. proceeded to jalan kayu for prata.. and bac to sk agains. stupid right? hahas. aft that, jess went for course den the rest of us went in to compassheight to the gym. the security so irritating lahhs. at first went in le.. for awhile den the security wann us out. dots lahhs.. at least i tried out all the equipment le hahas.. den others outside the table chatting.. the play cards the security say no cards allowed. wanna take pics, he say cannot take pics. wahhs, so lame canns.. okayys den finally out of there to playground and slack, wait for jess's 2hrs course to end.. rot like hell, almost decompose.. finally she came, den walked to another playground, a somehow bigger one? played blind-mice. ended, and to sculpture park again.. now ice and water. runn here and there.. cann train for band hahahs. okayys, and in the end gt a group of ppl come so we rested, wait for them to go.. den end up they sit dwn there, den we oso sit there chatted. chatt till so ji dong, debating.. so many of us against two guys.. haas. and of cos we made a bet.. will get to noe the winner tml. (: dat's all for today..

so many emergencies bells, will be deaf man. ; the stupid black dog so act cute. lols
the irritating rt dunn wanna come in. haas.
you are missed, at 3:55 PM
okayys, went sch in the morning for dnt agains.. that stupid course, no funn one.. den we were like all the wayy playing inkball, quite an interesting game.. aft that, accompanied francesca to city hall.. went to her workplace, take her pay. bud the counter not opened yet, so.. went for lunch lohhs. im so damn hungry.. went yuki & yaki hahas. she treat me mahhs lols. no lahhs actually part of it onlyy. went bac to sk den all of them at bennett's house. all dwn there fan me, ask me go. okayys, so went with france. played cards. cheated. haas. den kahyuen came. played heart-attack. was damn funny lahhs!! LOLS. veryy funn!! went koufu for prata aft that and home-ed.
you are missed, at 1:37 PM
didnt join the gang for breakfast, so sorry.. shld appologise to rt lahhs.. cos actually agreed to meet up earlier to tell him smth.. bud in the end smth crop up, so i didnt turn up, so sorry. 1030 to 1230 was dnt course agains.. today wasnt dat bored lahhs. made the models for our playground ideas, shal continue tml.. recieved our report book and year book.. my results totally sucks lahhs. hate it man. bud nbm, wad done cann nbr be undone. so leave it. the yr book, hmms, the pictures omgg so damn yucky canns!! eeews. okays, bac to band. running notes.. haiis, the section, really have to prepare for scoldings liaos. haas. mus work hard huhs ppl!! stop slagging le. get bac to serious work.. alrights.?? went for dinner aft band, smth happened. den all of them so hot lols. bcos the whole grp of guys ps-ed us.. haas. i support the girls, yeahs! cos, it's the guys fault! hehes. (: chatted and home-ed with vanessa aft that.
you are missed, at 3:12 PM
hmms, today went sch in the morning for dnt course as usual.. boring boring boring till.. omgg. okays, aft that went home, changed, den out again.. i went lavenda ica building to make ic lohhs.. nthh much.. the queue wasnt too longg so it was quite fast, luckily.. errs, done with it.. meet pgd at city hall and went yuki and yaki to make our own ice-cream.. hahas.. process was funn, ice-cream was terrible.. haas.. worst thing is, i cut my hand! args!! painn lahhs. den bleed.. lols.. den get hit, bleed again.. grr.. the whole finger was like so damn pain lahhs!! bend oso pain.. scarly kana frozebite ahhs.. hahas.. touchwood. lols.. anw, went shopping aft that at marina square den bugis.. took neo of cos! ahhhas.
happy birthday ailing! ((:

you are missed, at 3:52 AM