dec31, meet up with pj, min ai and ion to fareast for clothes. bought one with min. aft that walked to ps to meet up with the others frm hlf plus sky. bought tickets for deathnote2 timed jan1 2007, 2am. went pool-ed at ssc. waited for very long jus for that table, so the girls paired up and played bang-bang. lols, we were really noisy lahs. went bac to find them, still waiting.. so the girls' sickness act up. zilian! hahs. took lotsa photos and with don also. our very last memory for the year bahs. nbm. hmms, saw andy and friends there too. pool-ed till 11plus den rushed to marina bay. we ran there. halfway ai's shoe broken so the girls accompanied her to barefoot. until whr there's road we wore our shoe bac. reached there, crowded with ppl. human jam. in the end cant get to watch the launch of the wishing balls bud still got watch the fireworks. year 2007! bud it dont seems to be great. a bad starting.. headache.. hais, probs by probs.. by when it will end? haiss.. searched all the way for water. me and jess walked very fast in the crowd. we jus squeeze and reached starbucks. went in for drinks. my gosh, the first time i entered a market-like starbucks. noisy and crowded like hell. ppl fighting for drinks? oh man, singaporeans. finally got our drinks, squeezed out of that place. wanted to look out for robinson as the other was there, bud cant find it anywhr. so, me and jess decided to meet them there. too crowded man. in the mrt, the train was alr full lahhs, den ppl still wanna push and squeeze in till the ppl inside bcum flat issit. "cant you ppl jus wait for the next train?" jess said. i agreed of cos, typical singaporeans man. reached ps saw the sofa so sat dwn. really tired lahhs. can really slp there man. in the end remembered don and simon was in ps, so contact them first. bought drinks frm 7eleven for them and slacked at the staircase in mrt while waiting for the others to reach ps. chatted, lame.. don was calling his friends to greet them happy new year, bud i was thinking, he called bud almost every call was took over by simon. hahs. okays, den start to lame, don called my phone. so i picked up, hahs. said stupid things lohs den simon took over. he dunno was me, so he talked to me, i replied, he kana scare. LOLS.. the others reached at ard 130, so we went up bought popcorn and drinks. i treat, ex.. saw them, so wanted to meet them, in the end, they jus walked passed us like as if we're invisible. at that time, really lost, really dunno wad to do. min stopped and talked to me, i didnt really ans her, sorry.. went to them, everyone was like giving the face? is like, wad did me and jess do? saw don entering the theatre. den simon.. the situation was like.. really feel like breaking dwn, bud thinking, it was supposed to be a happy occasion so jus.. haiis.. took tickets frm them, went in the theatre with jess. saw ps and clique. jj talked to me, i wasn't in the correct mood bahs, haiis.. awhile ltr was alright liaos lahhs. den don and simon was like fighting for seats? so lame.. bud don and jess jus refused to change seat with simon. lols good job. hahs. wahs, i so honoured sia. while waiting for the show to start and the others to come in, it was screening a ghost show, den simon kana scare, lols. he shouted lahhs. OMG! so funny!! we were like laughing till beng.. saw jj they all turned and look at us. lols so.. hahs. aft simon, jess shouted too, scare by another scene. LOLS. oh, so me and don so brave! lols. awhile ltr, the others entered. i look at them, they like.. haiis.. nbm, aft that jiu talk as normal liaos.. middle of the show jess mixed up L and light. lols. some parts i oso dont quite understand, bud don told me abu it. so hahs, enjoyed the show! hope everyone enjoyed bahs. aft that went outside ps, also dunno whr to go.. don and simon went to check when's the first train. den lotsa things happened lahhs. haiis.. in the end, the remaining ppl stand in the middle of the path, so me and jess say why not go to the side, somemore there's wall to lean on. in the end, no one came aft us. so me and jess sat alone at the corner lohs. think they got the wrong idea bahhs. i dunno. aft that, don and simon came over and sat with us.. chatted den rest. cant sleep, headache.. suddenly my phone rang, looked at the number den i looked at don. dots, i sitting right beside him yet he called me? lols. bud anw, i picked up.. lame agains. hahs. quite diaos lahs. stupid things we do. how i wish all of us can do stupid things tgt agains.. lame tgt, have fun tgt.. imagine, we end up like that.. haiss.. don passed me and jess something and went home. wanted to pass him bac. so went to the mrt to look for him. i pass it to him, bud he jus dun wanna take it. hais.. looking at him, i noe he doesnt wann all these to happen too. bud everything jus become like dat.. worst thing is, simon took out his, throw it on the floor infront of me and jess and stepped it. at that point of time, i really feel like giving him a big tight slap and a punch. what a thing he could do???!! i was thinking, do you really wan all these to happen? i dun wan, i jus wan bac the past, when all of us have fun times tgt, play and mad tgt as a grp, as a family.. i dun wan it to be in our memories, bud reality. it really hurts alot to see all of you becum like that.. don, i hope one day, you'll get it bac frm me.. and accept everyone once again. let all the wondeful and bad memories stay in ur mind. when there's good things, there'll be bad things.. everything can be solved and start afresh.. u said happy new year to us, and of cos, i hope u'll start the new year happily too. and to succeed in whatever you do(: sch's starting, we've to keep in touch okays. all of us will certainly miss you, and you'll still be part of us! takecares lots, loveya. remember, you have NOT left us! anw, don left the train station, looking at him going dwn the escalator, tears fell. haiss, really dunn wish to see this family to san. standing there, also dunn wish to go anywhr. jess asked me to go, so jus went to mac, sat outside, emo-ed. haiss.. whatever it is, i hope everyone to be happy, and unite soon.
left the place with jess to her house. slept there till 10plus, woke. cannot get slp. too many things happening. jess's slping.. thought abu alot of things.. really sad.. hais.. nbm, i dunno wad shld i do. to let it go? or to get it bac?? hais.. suan le. went hougang mall den jess went to my house. played puzzle, failed. lols. didnt have the time and mood to do it bahhs. so listen to song, jess sleep again. i lie dwn there, in the daze again. mind full of things, jus cant get to slp. till ard night, went to sculpture to meet pj and don. chatted and lame-ed. arthur and bennett didnt turn up. i was thinking, if everyone was there to sit dwn and chat tgt, how wonderful would it be. ate prata, den walked pj home first. left the 3 of us, so walked to the bus stop. jess ran for the bus, hahs. den left with me and don. walked till his house that stop, sit at the bus-stop, lame again. lols.. i hope everything will be as wonderful again..
will be meeting up with ai, min, ion, don, pj, arth, bennett, jess ltr bahs. sch reopening tml, hmwrks not done yet! so many lahhs, who can finish? the whole holi so busy with so many things, still hve all these stuffs, hais, be prepared to get scoldings. lols. tdy i did nth, slept till 4plus? woke, ate my lunch den onlined. visited some blogs, sad.. posted this till now.
hlf can nbr break kays?
i dont wish to lose all my dearest friends,
all the memories we had tgt,
all the times we spent tgt,
all the fun we had tgt,
how we always lame and craps tgt.
sch's reopening,
bud we still have to keep in touch
and meet up when all of us is free kays?
wish all of you a happy new year,
happy 2007,
and good days ahead..
all the best in everything that all of you do,
good lucks and take lotsa care. <3
hlf's memories and stupid things we did*