min's bday celebration from MISSINGTEN(:
yes, had enough hours of sleep..
keep waking up at 6plus cause it's sort of weird waking up when the sky is bright..
somehow, bu xi guan. hahas.
thou reporting time was late, i still went out of house at 810am.
so took cab to sch, Zzz.
wasn't late, that's the great thing..
cause i might just get a suspension letter from the sch.. IF i'm late again.
ailing was even later, thought she wasn't coming anymore but she appeared during recess aft our first period which was assembly.. 1hr aft the reporting time.
lessons, blablablabla..
then was planning for min's celebration, wanted to surprise her but hmms.. i dunnoe.
getting all 9 tgt was DIFFICULT!
but in the end, managed to get everyone there(:
hohohos, went kfc.. many pple there.
me, ai and yi went fourleaves for the heart-shaped strawberry cake.
prepared, and went back into kfc.
omg, was so paiseh cause kfc was crowded and there's many of our sch peeps.
anw, brought the cake in and sang birthday song for her.
photos, and ate the cake!
we finished the whole cake you knw! hahas, hmms not bad lar.
blablabla, they went off back to sch leaving me, ai, ion & min.
ate in kfc and went of back to sch for dnt.
aww, i'm begining to hate my artefact when it doesn't come out to be what i want it to be..
or rather, because i can imagine that it would turn out sucky.
an acrylic plant or tree or whatever, oh.
all of min's presents were great! envy, HAHAHA.
just joking, i knw it's not funny..
okays, next..
actually meeting mt, ended up they fly our kite.
so lost, left with pgd.
discussed alot, till late night or rather early morning.
blablablablablabla, meet up with ai&ion at cp.
so jason actually last minute fly our kite!
so told ivan not to come, if not will be super weird.
back to square, pgd.
thinking of what to do, then blablabla, in the end ivan&jason still came(:
bought coffee cake from polar, ivan&jason bought necklace for min.
me,ai&ion long prepared the gift! hahas, how great of us. LOL.
bus-ed 27 to min's house, reached her block there's 2lifts and we dunnoe which to take!
and not sure whether it's 7th/8th/9th floor.
so we went the 1st lift, tried 8th&9th floor, BOTH WRONG.
went 2nd lift, tried 7th/8th/9th floor, ALL WRONG.
went back to 1st lift, tried 7th floor.. looks like, doesn't looks like..
we kept wondering outside there, called but no sound of ringing from the house.
stayed there for VERY LONG, really long then finally went down to void-deck.
called again, her brother picked up so we asked which floor is it.
he said 7th, then called for min! OMG, ion quickly hungup.
so we tried the 2nd&1st lift's 7thfloor respectively.
2nd lift, went up someone came out. WRONG.
1st lift, back to whr we stayed for long long time.
finally decided to knock on the door and try our luck.
LOL, super funny the whole process. kept laughing and laughing.
phew, was the correct house.. hahs.
sang birthday song, photos, gift presentation, blabla.
was funny lols, laughed & laughed.
at ard 4? went off and head to botanic.
jess they all said they alr went off, Zzz.
so me, ai&ion rushed to buangkok station and down to orchard.
speeeeeed to opp. fareast's bus-stop to look for ju an.
reached at 430. okays, he was alr there for quite long i think.
jess they all not yet reached, so waited and waited and waited.
finally everyone came, was ard 10mins to 5 by then.
jess, xinyu, arthur, peixiang, ju an, xiuling & one more malay girl not very sure of her name.
board the bus, and haha, halfway found out we took the wrong direction.
grrr, alighted and crossed opposite waited for bus to go back.
omg, reached there alr late.. 5plus.
compass was the 4th band ! called some of them on the bus and they said alr the 2nd band.
so reached botanic, checked the map OMG it was damn far! RAN!
i can't run, shoe kept dropping.
so ran, stopped, ran, stopped, ran, stopped......
in the end just walked super fast there.
reached the shaw foundation, just starting the 3rd band! grrr, panting LOL.
blabla, aft the whole thing was very hungry! haven't eat for the whole day..
wanted to faster get out of the place and go somewhere to eat, px asked us to wait to take mrneo's car.
so me, ion, ai, px, bennett sat there, wait wait and wait.
end up, blablabla we still bid farwell to them and walked all the way to entrance to meet up with jess, xinyu, zhenghan, ju an, yaozhong, xiuling & the malay girl.
munir&arthur went off.
then zhenghan and peeps went off, left with compass pple plus ju an.
takashimaya, bought drinks first! dehydrating i tell you, was looking for water when i reached botanic till dinner.
ate dinner, then to coffeebean, chatted.
10plus went mrt, all the way to pr home-ed at 11.
pictures of the day uploaded on previous post, for more ask for me.
070707, SATURDAY
i slept for practically the whole day.
jess wanted to meet me in the morning to visit band then to the fireworks at night, but i was sleeeeeping. hahahs, so sorry.
too tired.
slept till hmms, 5plus or 6plus?
woke then elder bro asked me to go dinner at tampines.
prepared and went out, bus-ed 39 to tampines swimming complex, 日本村.
meetup with mummy, papa & little bro there.
ohgosh the queue was SUPERLY lonng. i meant really loooong.
queued for more than an 1hr?
alr so so hungry, my 1st meal for the day. hahas.
went in, took little bro to take his food and of cos my food!
shared strawberry milk shake with him(:
heyhey, the food was nice:D
and can say cheap, not ex lar.
sushi, 99cents each plate ; others depends.
cabbed homed at 9plus.
ohyahs, it's GREEN DAY and it's 070707!
a day that comes by once in a century, that's what i learned thru tv.
hahas, and LIVE EARTH concert was hmms, not bad lar.
i watched a little(:
so from now, all of us should conserve the environment!
i missed the fireworks, they said was very beautiful.
the best fireworks i've seen was in LA, that was super nice.
it wasn't any occasion, couldn't rmb much but was very beautiful.
sweet&romantic! hahas.
okays, shall end here.
superly tired, headache.
i need motivation, & thoughts, stop hunting me.
HELLOOOS, will be posting mostly pictures and some explainations..
see the reddy butt, hahs.
hangging monkeys.
the ball catcher, a small machine. but we stayed there for many rounds of ball catching. LOLS. mine, pink ball.
wooo, :DDD. the crazinest of womens.

watched transformers, ticket at 950pm plazasing. purchasing of the tickets is a hard time! went places to places, ended up a late night show at plaza. so the commercial was loooong, seriously long. ard 20mins. show ended at going half past 12. which means, .... no more mrt, no more buses. nevertheless, went down to the station to double check that there's no more train, praying for miracles to happen. hahhs. "station closed", arghs. saw a atm at the station, wanted to withdraw but failed. so no money, which means... can't go home. went up to B1, tried to withdraw from another atm, another failed attempt. how great. went toilet, hahhs. came out, thinking of what else can we do. walked here and there, leg hurts and worned. went back to B1 atm, tried again. this time drew 50 straight, wonderful.. success. finally, with cash, at least can get us back home. cabbed, and home at 2am ! tired !!
pulled myself up early in the morning, prepared and cabbed to the ZOOOOO.
awww, look at those fishes! they're sucking the hippo's body.. gross.

the big reddy butt ! and yahs, only a FEW of them have big butt though all have red butt.
babies are always the cutest!
ewwww, this is the one with the BIGGEST butt there! and it's super gross! the butt's saggy and looks like a lump or whatever.. goodness.
elephants statues, cute!
on the way outside toilet, saw a SNAKE! a baby snake on the floor, mygod. 

mother elephant..
and the baby elephant ! LOLS, funnny but cute.
ELEPHANT SHOW !!! in love with elephants now, they're so damn cuteeeee but nothing else. their actions and everything, awww.. soo soooooo cute! believe me, they're heavenly cute ! hahhhaaaas, prove below! :DDDDDDD
i love it when they lift their nose up, it's sort of welcoming and showing that they're happy. &whatsmore it's so cutee, omggg. there's one elephant which i love most, forogotten the name, but that's the cutest of all the cuties. imagine how cute can it be... that's my discovery for the day, ELEPHANTS ARE CUTE!!!!!!!
HAHAHAHS, this is funny. & this is the cutest elephant that i'm talking about.. she took off the person's cap when he's riding on her. now she's sucking the cap and trying to put it back on his head, hahahs.
cute uhs? see the way she smile, pretty !
she KISSED him, with the sound "muacks" !
lifting the person up onto her back by the neck, strong ! elephants can also help human up by their strong legs. (:
pushing the huge log into the water by the trunk, the log weighs 200+kg.
yay, succeeded !

lifting the log by their mouth.

working in synchronisation, hand in hand.. i mean mouth in mouth, hahahs.

that elephant don't wna lie down! other 4 were obedient.. hahahs. was part of the show lar, lols. when it shake it's head and indicates it doesn't want to lie down was cute!

finally when others woke up, it lie down. so.. it's best friend over there kicked her, and hit her hard with her trunk trying to wake her up.. but, attempt failed.

the cutest ele came up with the idea of splashing water and she succeeded! *applause!

end of show, yay! their pose ! cute right??! the one on the right is the cutest and the most hyper one ! hahahahs. :D

next up,

this orang utan is using a stick to push the food inside out! STEALING ! smart ehhs. he's funny, cause before he tries to steal, he keep looking ard for the person in charge.. making sure that nobody saw.. hahahs..

polars !

water time, play time for kids. hahahahs.


this cow kept MOOOO~ MOOOO~... and whenever he MOOO~, everyone will divert their attentions to him. the MOOO-ing is LOUD that's why!

SHEEPS ! ((: heys, they really MEHHH~~~, and the sound was bright.. sort of high pitch.. but nice.. hahahs. unlike most of the animals, all the sound break voice one. hahahs.

goats !

below are made from wire gauze, and covered with grass? yupps, creative yea? nice(:




hmms, i dunno what's this.. ahahhs.

and here, .....

emo, LOLS. no lar, he's just resting. ahahhahs.


look at the butt ! colourful..


spiddy prints.

bats, don't see them small small.. when they open up their wings and fly, they are huge !

okays, this is the only animal that scare me.. and it's not only once! ohgosh, their movements are fast and swift. and they kept running and jumping here and there, my little bro almost step onto one of it! scare him too. LOLS. so kept looking ard making sure none of it is near me. hahahs. ohyahs, their tails are loooooong. took alot of them.. ahhas.

leaves prints.

fake one of cause, for the real one.. please buy your flight tickets to malaysia.. andyahs, this is the world's largest flower with a big hole in the middle and gives out an unpleasant smell ! i wna see the real one !



they have to live in a cool place, so this is the thing that kept them cool, and as well water them daily..






LION'S SKULL, the photograher's skill not good lar.. it's the person there anyway.. and my hair's messsy. hahahs.

ticket of ELEPHANT RIDE, with little bro.

couldn't take photos aft that, cause the battery went all the way FLAT to the ground.
i wna buy the elephant ride photo!!
but sadly, my request was rejected. ):
so, no photo for elephant ride. super sadded.
anw, yupps..
cabbed to west plaza, dinner and home.
i had brinjal! whaahhs, nice.
&here i am blogging this long long post..
which took me a long long time, 5hrs+ !
all the connection's fault, kept signing me in and out.
how irritating.
broke my blogging record, and this is definately tiring !
i'm FINALLY done !
TOUR GUIDE of the day : DADDY
&&, i posted all the elephants photo that i took! too cute lar.. and of cause that scary creature.