Meet My Friend, Say Yo.
tdy wasn't feeling good, idk why either.
woke up, and received Chrystle's msg saying that they're gna skip lec in the morning so i went back to slp. x)
went sch, meet them outside the class.
then also dont knw why i feel kind of...weird? sad? or whatever-is that-feeling.
Chrys & Dora also kept asking me why i'm so sad tdy, but i rlly dont knw eh. they said my face shows that i'm very sad =/ haha..
so had lunch at ITAS during break with the 2 of them plus Daniel. the rest of the clique went town. i didnt felt like going so they accompanied me, sorry! & thankyou dearest classmates(:
slacked at library's project room, cause they booked. did CSA E-Learning quiz too.
lec, then home.
Sorry for not joining you pple (Serena & co.) for movie tonight. =/
Thanks pple for all your concerns, i'm alright yea =)
Thanks Desmond for talking to me ytd, and thanks for the icecream crepe, haha....
oh, and ytd watched Money Not Enough 2 with Kevin and Desmond. funny and touching, not bad(:
and lastly, Dora SG, please take care of yourself k!
Am really tired.
Passer-bys that crossed paths.
but everything seems to link back to you. it kept me thinking..
you are missed, at 10:31 PM
hi! i'm currently in sch's lab, having CSA 3hr lesson AGAIN.
did some blog-hopping and saw the quiz link frm EugeneGoh's blog. so me, Chrys and Dora are trying out on some of the quizes now :D
click here to check it out man! x)
Get to know yourself better
Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.
The seriousness of your love:
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.
Your views on educationEducation is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
Your relationship is moving forward. Just don't trip over.
You and him would be typical young lovers. It would not be all sweet and romantic if you got together, sometimes you would argue or get confused, but those elements would only make your relationship more exciting. At the moment you are probably assuming that he likes you, but sometimes you might not be so sure. Don't worry, you can be sure that he also feels the same way. When both of you sense special feeling towards each other, your relationship is certainly growing. What you should do is try to express your feelings a little more and learn more about him.
okay, just for fun(:
CSA Macromedia Flash is crazyaeee. idk how to do man, stucked now, lol. =/
lesson ending, WOOHOOO xD
you are missed, at 2:49 PM
hi! i'm back to update. it's 3:40am now and i've spent like 7hrs to get this post done. damn sleepy now. tiredddd! *yawns* (i guess aft i add in the captions and everything it'll be 4plus am alr)
anw, i've completed & submitted my CSA E-Learning! :D whahahaha
ytd was raining quite heavily hence running & swimming with Ailing was cancelled. meetup with usual Phantos pple instead. accompanied Serena and co. to the BSC briefing. i wna join lehhhh! ):
dinner aft that at opp. sch KFC.
tmr will be out.
-Ailing's hse to put my things, haha.
-SKCC for briefing/discussion for Children's Day event with Ailing & Fion. i'll be helping out yo(:
-Bugis with Ailing for shopping and Taiwan food fair! :D [i think Chrystle will comment on this, hahaha]
-gym-ing & badminton at somewhr in Sengkang with Ailing, Fion & Jessica. Anchorvale i think?
yupps, that shld be tmr's plan.
and since i've spent sucha long time posting this, pleaseeeeee read every single word and look carefully at all the picturesss okay! my hardwork and effort lehh. hahaha! =/
below are PHOTOS uploaded with LOVE :D
18july, fri. Nicole's advance bday celebration.
bday girl! (:

Desmond Bestfriend(:


this is Lester the drunkard, haha.
lol, Mingfei=)
grinding the pillar, hahahha! he's duper suay! kept losing kena forfeited. hahaha.
okay, skip to the last forfeit he did okay. cause he kena alot of times. hahah.
Rule: the one who gets the Ace spade will have to eat the remaining watermelon and wear the melon skin on the head.
so....they asked him to take the card at the top(cause cannot choose i think), then he say he wna cut the deck. so okay, allowed. then after cutting the deck, he took the first card. and it was ACE SPADE. LOL man, damn funny. so yeah, forfeited.
Ry washing the melon. hahaha.
Yy helping him wrap his head.

and he walked out of the streets like this, LOL
17july, thurs. LinYouJia's & LiuLiYa's concert in TP.
she's the host.
and she's LiuLiYa.

Lester, lol.
and yeah, this is LinYouJia. his actions are super funny. hahaha.

this is damn nearrrrr! hahaha

13july, sun. NBC at VCH, then KGarden.
take note of the pple behind us, lol.
haha! that's YeShen & Alan.
don't knw what's Alan trying to do mann haaa.
plus YinHui(:

Jessica, Fion, Singyee.
Fion, my girlfriend(: haha.
half of the grp?

12july, sat. Town, HellBoy2.
in the cinema, ShawHouse. Ailinggggg!

this lady sings very well! 

11july, fri. running.
aft 10rounds and 8rounds. lol

10july, thurs. random shots with CG & SG. dinner with usual Phantos pple.
Chrys, Sy, Dora.
grp shot(:
9july, wed. random shots.
Desmond Singyee Serena

7july, mon. WWW cum HuiMin's advance bday celeb.


5july, sat. Vivo, The Strangers(crap show)
Angmo ship! :D
plus Desmond.
haha, she's too short for the =/
so....we bent down. hahhaha(:

pet dog in Vivo?
4july, fri. FangBei's bday celebration.
Dora the SG!
she loves me! hahahha.
Chrystle the CG!
FangBei, bday girl(:
class photo, 1B16.
look at Keith(last row, pink shirt)!
Adam SY Chrys Elizabeth (whites, lol)
used-to-be clique with bday girl.
Keith, Kez, Matthias.
Yuhang, Kez.

3july, thurs. jogging, badminton, BBall.
angelic me! hahhahahaah!

style right? thanks to me. hahah!

this is ADAM.
this is CHRYSTLE.
her butt,
& her butt. lol.
this is MATTHIAS (in white).
this is DANIEL.
this is NICHOLAS.

this is YUHANG/KEZ.
oh, i realised there's no photos of Keith. =/
2july, wed. Fion's hse.
plus Ailing!

1july, tues. random camwhoring.
Chrys, Dora, Sy

30june, mon. movie at TM, but i forgotten what we watched =/


lil bro!

28june, sat. advance bday celeb for PJ.
PeiJuan, bday girl (:
part of us(:
hahahha! laught at APX and ANDY's face! 

girls of the day:D

Bennett PeiXiang Andy



stupid Yoke sitting on me!! =/
flying pillows, hahaha
is love! :D

okay, i find this very style. hahaha :D.jpg)
finallyyy~!! it's 452am now.
still gotta wake up early tmr, ohmannn.
you are missed, at 4:52 AM