hais. sometimes coming online is a bad thing you knw. cause it let me see things i dont wna see. (i mean i want to knw but it's not like it concerns me right) then i will be like ): hahhah........
okay! short updates on FRI & SAT with pictures on the way.
FRIDAY. back to sec school with HuiMin & Fion, many went back. and cause most of the grads met like ard 10am, then one whole grp of grads were outside the gate waiting to go in(gate was closed you see). and we have to queue up to go in 1-by-1 -.- cause must check attire and sign in. lol
KGarden aft that. bumped into Desmond there. then dinner at ChompChomp, bumped into Nicole. hahah! so coincidence right! lol.
11pm home!
Tcher's Day Celebration. (the tcher's becoming more and more lame lol)
tcher's performance! damn hot i tell you hahaha :D
(wont be uploading photos of other items, heh) 

Veteren Tcher, Mr Suaini!
Confident Tcher award, Mdm Norlinda!
Creative Tcher, Mr Suaini! again. Lol
Committed Tcher, Ms Fazleen!
Compassionate Tcher, Ms Yeow!
Caring Tcher, Mr Lim! (famous amos tcher -.- lol)
Ms Widayah!
Ms Yeow! again also. hahaha
Mr Calwin Wu! (mr bean haha)
Ms Ng U-Lynn! (pretty. she appeared on moe ad last yr?)
hahah pretty right. i think she look like the atress Li-Lin(the one who acted in Leap Year).

SATURDAY. i gave band visit a miss in the end, hahaha =/ met up with Ailing, Fion, Kimberly, Jessica, Bennett, PeiXiang, Andy at CompassPoint, headed down to PlazaSing and met up with PeiJuan and XinYuan.
Headed to MindCafe, and that SINyuan's umbrella saved us! cause it was pouring. and she remembered she has a umbrella with her only aft quite long~Haha!
Did a little shopping at PlazaSing then Vivo. and i'm quite sad, cause i've got no money to shop! as in, got money but i feel really bad if i keep spending. my bank a/c balance kept decreasing and decreasing and decreasing leh....... i need to work! but dont knw whr to find.

the Girls. PeiJuan & XinYuan went off. the guys took this pic for us then went off as well. LOL

so the 5 of us went to check the slots for movie, but no more slots. cause it's alr 10pm. so we walked ard, ai and kim bought jackets. then went outside for a breeze. played camp games(handiplast & dont knw what big fish small fish game-.-) Lol and we went haywired. Wooo! :D damn hilarious i tell you. esp ai, crazy one. HAHA
and we kept laughing on the train, damn AA. cause i think alot of pple looking =/
went off at 12+, 1am home!
you are missed, at 2:39 PM
; edited, 11:46 PM
hahaha i ran all the way frm Fion's hse to HougangInterchange just now, cause the last bus's at 11pm and i left her hse at 11pm. Lol
luckily when i reached, the bus's still there =)
a conver with Fion just now.
me: eh when's mid-autumn fest?
ion: 八月九号(9Aug) 中秋节!
me: 八月九号 not national day meh?!
laugh out loud..
i'm currently in Fion's hse now yo:D
initially wanted go back CVSS to visit band but practice tdy was cancelled, so me, Fion & Jess visited CP instead. :S
we bumped into Christel and Nicole there, ages since i saw Christel man!
oh, and met ChihRen, Bennett, Mitchell & his friend. damn boring, cause we've got nth to do there =/
Hougang for dinner with the girls, ben and mitch. then to Fion's hse till now.
that's all for tdy!
tmr will be heading to CVSS with HuiMin and Fion in the morning for tcher's day celebration yo!
i think 4G and 5B will be going as a class.
4H lehhhh??!?!??!?! why nobody organise =/
Sat will be going band, help them get tcher's day cake, then dont knw do what lol
aft that going out with usual band clique (Fion, Jess, Ailing, PeiJuan, Kimberly, XinYuan, PeiXiang, Bennett, Andy, Jonathan .......)
tsk. see that blueblack on my chin! somemore can be seen in every pic ):
still wondering how i got that blueblack, weird~~
FION girlfriend (:

JESS orlang (:

forever~ hahha 
youcam. ugly photos ):

what's with that crow -.-

i dont wna take, cause i looked weird!

candid. haha! dont knw what expression is that man :S's 2:54AM now. and i've to reach sch econ at like 9:45AM!
all thanks the Internet Explorer.
kept telling me "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" -.- dont knw what's their problem.
only managed to upload the picts aft trying to load a multiple times.
imagine trying to load 1 image for 5 times! ZZZ
so yea, outdated photos some other days! InternetExplorer is getting on my nerves! =/
you are missed, at 10:41 PM